旅記|Eat Well, Live Well
Updated: Sep 15, 2020
Sunbath Little Blue Bottle
“I will only sell coffee less than 48 hours out of the roaster to my guests, so they may enjoy coffee at peak flavor. I will only use the finest, most delicious, and responsibly sourced beans.”
There are frequently times when I am talking with my friends from different backgrounds that I find myself on the back foot. The desire of filling my curiosity has kept me moving on because that is no way to live if I don't know what lies behind something. However, sometimes my emotions might turn to become so negative because it seems like a disadvantage to me, like a small sad stone stuck in my throat that I can't keep up.
Blue Bottle Coffee Japan has found itself with passion and their special Kissaten culture, which is clean, simple, and comfortable. The third-wave coffee trend has found its own way silently here, being so pure and elegant against the hustle and bustle city life. (I am definitely addicted to COFFEE!)
My sister and I have a great understanding. We don't need to talk much, we support each other, and we trust one another. I think this is one of the reasons why we love to travel together. Sometimes I like to isolate myself to figure all my struggles and worries out of my mind. "You're looking very well to yourself." I said to her. Then I just sat there, enjoyed my hot fresh latté, my sandwich, and did n-o-t-h-i-n-g.
All the joys and griefs in our life would come and go, and they would come back again.
We don't know what would happen next, maybe we'll never talk to the person in front of us again, maybe we'll move to a different place to start a new life, or maybe it'll be the last time we stand here. Eventually, we only have ourselves really. For all the Tokyo lovers, let's keep here as a secret pocket list. (Actually it's already too too late.)
I have almost forgotten what it feels like to have the spirits lifted.(Oops!) Take a deep breathe and enjoy a cup of coffee here.
Happy Holiday!
會想把這個部落格取名成Sherious,其實是希望自己能成為一位懂得好好生活的人。Always be curious. 遇到新奇事物時都能保持著好奇心,給自己多一點的機會去認識這個世界。(雖然好友第一眼看到的時候以為是要 Take it serious.) 然而,當發現自己落後太多的時候,我其實也不是那種能永保正面能量的女生。「好像得不到肯定的話,我就會消失一樣。」有時也會有失去信心的時候,東倒西歪地,一面倒的陷入一種不確定與無知的恐懼裡。這時,我就非常需要獨處的時間,在孤立中找出那條梗在喉嚨裡的傷痕。「你其實很受傷喔。」我誠實地去面對那位不完美的自己。
東京的青山、代官山和清澄白河,雖然都不是我初訪東京時的首選,卻漸漸地成為我一而再、再而三想要再訪的小角落。常常能從某個轉角或巷弄中隱隱聞到咖啡香,我就像一位迷戀雨後青草香味的瘋子那樣,循著氣味的大步找尋源頭。精品咖啡的潮流在這一帶快速流竄,Blue Bottle 發源於美國舊金山的一間小咖啡館,利用單一產地的咖啡,手沖出它的特別與新穎。「這是昨天烘焙好的咖啡豆喔!」日本店員仔細地捧著咖啡豆向我說明有效期限。好像任何東西到了日本,都會成為另一種樣子。